Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT

Who We Are

Bioversity International was established in Italy in 1974 as the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IBGRI), became in 1991 the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and finally Bioversity International in 2006, reflecting an expanded vision of its role in agricultural and forest biodiversity and research for development activities. In 2019, Bioversity International joined forces with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT delivers research-based solutions that harness agricultural biodiversity and sustainably transform food systems to improve people’s lives across Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. In collaboration with partners, the Alliance generates evidence and mainstreams innovations in large-scale programs to create food systems and landscapes that sustain the planet, drive prosperity, and nourish people in a climate crisis. The Alliance is part of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.

What We Do in the Project

In the HealthyDiets4Africa project, the Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT is involved in

– Identifying determinants of dietary diversity within the food environment

– Mapping and monitoring diversity of diets

– Identification of underutilized crops that can contribute to alleviate malnutrition

Our Project Team

Dr. Irmgard Jordan
[Senior Researcher and Team Leader, Human Nutrition and Home Economic Sciences]

Dr. Sam Bodjrenou
[PostDoctoral Fellow, West Africa; Nutrition, underutilized crops


Nicanor Odongo
Ph.D. student, Food Safety, Nutrition and underutilized crops

Mélina Houndolo
PhD Student West Africa, nutrition and food environment